Psalm 17
King David was feeling vulnerable, being hunted and persecuted by King Saul. He was experiencing a whirlwind of worry, stress, preoccupation and fear among other emotions. He was facing a mighty foe; he had himself and his people to protect. He knew there was a lifeline, the only lifeline that could guarantee safety, mercy, care and deliverance from the grasps of his enemy. He knew in his heart that the malicious plot to see him conquered was a real and imminent threat.
I am writing this at our annual pastors’ retreat. Our devotional this morning by Pastor Brent was on Psalm 17; the exact same reference as one of my suggested passages. Coincidence? Of course, not! Our God is not a god of coincidences.
As we talked about this Psalm, there were phrases and ideas that were outstanding to me. The first one was in verse six where we are reminded that He answers us. The second was that “he has great love for us” as mentioned in verse seven. The third was that he saved us with his right hand, those who take refuge in him from their foes.
This year, as we reflect on and remember the sacrifice, death, crucifixion, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior; Jesus Christ, let us not focus on the worry, stress, fear, and unknowns of our current times. Let us go to him who will keep us, “the apple of his eye and who can hide us in the shadow of his wings (verse 8).” As a human being, Jesus experienced all the human emotions, and He taught us to always turn to our Heavenly Father.
Jesus’ death was not in vain. His resurrection gives us power and hope for his second coming.
Autor: Cenida Suyen
Otras lecturas de Cuaresma para hoy:
- 1 Chronicles 21:1-17
- 1 John 2:1-6