Lent Day 8: Job 1:1-22


Job 1:1-22

Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshipped.  (Job 1:20 NKJV)

This is one of my favorite scenes found in the scriptures. Job had been through devastating loss: the loss of his children, his abundant wealth, his servants, and later on he would lose his health. But the beauty of this chapter is what happens right here: I can picture this man, Job, in my mind. His brain and his emotions are reeling. The devastation is total: his flocks, his camels, his donkeys, his servants and now his children… every one of them. He feels broken and destitute—except for one thing—but God. The children are by now buried on a windy hillside. Trembling with shock and grief, he makes his way to the graves. His grief is total except—but God. He looks down upon the freshly turned brown dirt where the children, his children, have just been  buried, and he collapses upon their graves. But what issues out of his mouth? Is it possible? Could it be? Is it rage, or bitterness, or accusations? No! Worship pours out and confidence because he recognizes a basic truth—but God. 

In the very next chapter (v. 10) Job explains to his wife, who also had to be in great shock, “Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?” Then we are told that, in all of this, Job did not sin with his lips. His worship, trust, confidence, and focus remained steadfast upon this faithful God who had to this point, met every need and would definitely carry them through all of this pain.

Most of us have suffered loss and/or some devastation somewhere in our lives. What do we do with it? Where do we turn for relief? Job had the answer because he had benchmarks he was able to point back to; “God has met me there. Therefore, He will meet me here.” The secret is worship. He has met you in the past, He will meet you today, and He will be there to meet you in the days to come. God did that for Job and He will do that for you.

Author: Ardyce Templeman

Other Lenten readings for today:

  • Psalm 17
  • Luke 21:34-22:6

Other Lent Devotionals

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