The ministries of Trinity are supported by you. Without the participation of everyone through giving, attendance, serving and prayer, we would not be able to touch lives with the hope of the gospel in such a variety of ways.


The ministries at Trinity are entirely supported by those who attend Trinity. Without the participation of everyone through giving, attendance, serving and prayer, we would not be able to offer ministries that love people to Christ and help them journey with God.



We give as a response to God’s love and as a desire to participate in sharing his love with others. Giving is…

  • …an act of worship.
  • …a demonstration of our faith and trust in God reminding us that we are not our own.
  • …partnership with God and His church.
  • …how we support the ministries of Trinity and ensures their continuation.

The Bible teaches us a baseline standard for giving: the tithe. When we give the first 10% of our income to the church, we put God first in our lives. Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for God and others. Your tithes and offerings support the work of the Lord by caring for our pastors and staff and by meeting operational and general ministry expenses. Other offerings at Trinity include Mission Partners and Above and Beyond Projects.



Online giving
Donations can be made safely and securely by clicking the blue “Give” button found at the top of the page.
When you click this button, you will be given the opportunity to designate your donation for General Tithes and Offerings, Mission Partners, or Other funds. You will also have the option for a one-time or a recurring gift.
There is a choice to give an additional 2.5%, which covers the processing fees. This is optional and greatly helps the church. 

Checks can be mailed directly to the church office.

Address: 5055 El Camino Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80918

Offerings can be dropped in the secure mail slot just outside our church office or in the offering box on the table just inside our sanctuary.
Special Designated Gifts

Gifts can be made for specific causes such as Missions, Benevolence/Compassion, or other areas designated by Trinity. 


Trinity Church of the Nazarene reserves the right to refuse any donation for any reason. To ensure all gifts are effectively used, no gift will be accepted that is unduly restrictive, likely to result in a net loss for the church, or may be designated for a purpose outside the mission of the church.

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