We are blessed at Trinity Church of the Nazarene to have many gifted CSTrinity voices who share their gifts with us throughout the Lent season with daily devotionals. We invite you to reflect on these insightful readings and prepare your heart for celebrating this special season.
Check back daily for a new devotional!

Lent Day 8: Job 1:1-22
A Lent Devotional from Trinity Church of the Nazarene in Colorado Springs, CO.

Lent Day 7: Psalm 17
A Lent Devotional from Trinity Church of the Nazarene in Colorado Springs, CO.

Lent Day 6: Psalm 17
A Lent Devotional from Trinity Church of the Nazarene in Colorado Springs, CO.

Lent Day 5: Deuteronomy 26:1-11
A Lent Devotional from Trinity Church of the Nazarene in Colorado Springs, CO.

Lent Day 4: John 12:27-36
A Lent Devotional from Trinity Church of the Nazarene in Colorado Springs, CO.

Lent Day 3: Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16
A Lent Devotional from Trinity Church of the Nazarene in Colorado Springs, CO.

Lent Day 2: Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16
A Lent Devotional from Trinity Church of the Nazarene in Colorado Springs, CO.

Lent Day 1: Psalm 51: 1-17
A Lent Devotional from Trinity Church of the Nazarene in Colorado Springs, CO.